Love, Joy, Peace...

Each Wednesday night (October-April), we share a meal with lots of good food, community fun, conversation, games, and activities for all ages.

It’s time to get ready for another Wednesday Community Night this program year. These intergenerational community evenings provide ministry for all ages and includes joining in a grace, sharing in a meal, thanking the cooks with a song, doing a short table activity and participating in a closing circle. And there are plenty of opportunities for fellowship as well. We invite everyone to join us in this special evening each week or as often as your schedule permits. 


The 2024-2025 Wednesday Night Program begins on October 2 and lasts through April. The weekly get-togethers will continue through April 2024 with breaks at holiday time. If you plan to attend, please complete the registration form on the back, even if you may not be able to make it each week or for the entire evening. This will help us plan for meals, leadership, and supplies. Please note any dietary restrictions, or if you prefer, discuss with Barb Peterson. If you would like to come, but need transportation, please include that on the form.  


The registration fee is $30 per household for the entire year, and helps cover costs, but it is not required for participation. We also invite participants to contribute each week based on the approximate cost of the meal. The suggested amount is $5 per person per night. With a considerable increase in food costs, we believe we’ll be okay as long as people regularly contribute.  You may pay each week or pay monthly or even yearly along with pledge payments. However, we don’t want anyone staying home because of cost.


Even if you’ve attended in the past, you will not be automatically registered. To participate in the program, complete the form on page 15 and turn it in to the office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Community Night Coordinating Team (Judy Schulze, Barb Peterson, and Amy Wick Moore). 


Here is the October schedule with menus:


Intergenerational Activity/Theme


Oct 2

 Getting to know you!

Cavatelli (pasta) with Meat, Green Beans, Lettuce Salad, Breadsticks, and Brownies

Oct 9

It takes a Village

Japanese-style Meat and Potatoes, Mandarin Salad, Watermelon

Oct 16

New music intro…some singing!

Ginger Chicken, Rice, Roasted Vegetables, Fruit Salad, Hawaiian Coconut Dessert

Oct 23

A Future with Hope! 

Baked Potato Bar, Romaine and Spinach Salad, Breadsticks

Oct 30

Halloween Fun & Children’s Sun. Prep

Hard & Soft Shell Tacos with all the

Trimmings, Spanish Rice and Pumpkin Bars