Love, Joy, Peace...
Yoga Devotion
The new session of Yogadevotion with Anita begins on Friday, November 8. This will be a shorter session with no class on Black Friday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

This 6-week class runs from November 8- December 20. 
Nov. 8 
Nov. 15
Nov. 22
Dec. 6
Dec. 13
Dec. 20

Cost is $66 check payable to Yogadevotion (Initial cap--all one word no spaces) or by signing up online at:

Dona-Jean, thank you for coordinating on site with UCCNB.  I am happy to hear the class is going well. 

Yogadevotion takes a break over the holidays, then I have us scheduled to return: 
1/10- 2/288 weeks
3/7 - 4/258 weeks
5/2 - 6/207 weeks no 5/23 Mem Day