Love, Joy, Peace...
Fine Arts and Craft Fair!
Saturday, November 2nd and Sunday November 3rd
Join us on Saturday November 2nd, from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM in Room 2 (across from the office). The sale is also open to the public on this day. The sale continues on Sunday November 3rd before and after the church service and after Adult Education until 1:00 pm 

You may drop off your items to sell beginning Tuesday, October 29th. We know that we have some wonderful artists and crafters among our congregation and look forward to offering those items for sale at our annual Fine Arts and Crafts Sale. Please pre-price your items. 

After the sale, you may pick up any of your items that were not sold. 

Set up is happening on Friday November 1st from noon until 4:00 PM. If you would like to help our committee with this, you would be more than welcome. 

We hope many of you will stop by and shop on Saturday and Sunday. You won't be disappointed!